lunes, 21 de agosto de 2017

XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology

En el marco del Grupo temático sobre “Sociedad y Emociones” (Thematic Groups 08: Society and Emotions), delXIX ISA Wordl Congress og Sociology”, invitamos a enviar resúmenes a las siguientes sesiones:

Session: "Neo-Liberal Emotions: Space, Work, and Social Policies," (7774)

Language: Spanish and English

The current state of “normalized” societies geared towards the enjoyment of consumption calls for critical rethinking of the main features of the so-called neoliberal economies, such as  space management, "new" modalities of work and the central role of social policies.

Although the sociological study of the city and the urban life is more than a hundred years old and has accumulated much specialized knowledge, the city still presents several issues. It is a center of production and reproduction of spatialities, bodies and emotions. It is subject to socio-spatial segregation, the patrimonialization, suburbanization, gentrification – to mention most significant processes, related to the changing patterns of land ownership and consumption.

How do these relate to feelings of joy, pride, boredom, stress, humiliation or indignation in urban space?
The complexity of labor world in contemporary societies has motivated a series of interdisciplinary debates about, for example, “global work”, “digital work” and “work 4.0”. Our in interest is in how these transformations of labor have intensified and reconfigured the connections between body, work, subjectivities and social emotions.

The “old social question” called for responses to the conflict between labor and capital. Today it requires reflecting upon how states have responded to a completely re-structured world of work, generating new work-related conflicts. What is the link between the re-structuring, state policies and emotions? The central thesis is that emotions attenuate social conflict and thus help reproduce the new mode of accumulation.

Session Organizers:



Alicia LINDON, Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico,

Enrica MORLICCHIO, Department of Social Science, University of Naples Federico II, Italy,

Pedro ROBERTT, Instituto de Sociologia e Política, Universidad Federal de Pelotas, Brazil,

Session: "Discrimination, Violence and Emotions" (7773)

Language: Spanish, French and English

The problem of various forms of violence and their relationship to emotions is interpreted differently depending on how they fit into the particular - academic, political, social or cultural - agenda. Everyday life in the Global South is marked by complex relationships between discrimination, violence and emotions. Multiple forms of discrimination become expressed in various types of migration, expulsion and racialization.  Various stigmatization practices, generating such groups as the “disabled”,  the “black” or the “poor”,  become normalized and accepted.

Discrimination produces threats, fears and suffering. These are part and parcel of the practices of feeling that discrimination produces and reproduces in societies anchored in consumption of commodities. Discrimination is repeatedly directed at “weak” groups, such as women or children or the poor. It systematically generates femicide, infanticide, hunger, drugs, functional illiteracy and the invisibility of disability. Taking up the congress theme we welcome papers on discrimination as a form of power exercise often posing a threat of or resulting in violence that in its turn leads to a variety of emotions. All contemporary theoretical, methodological and epistemic approaches are welcome.

Session Organizers:
Adrian SCRIBANO, National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Argentina,

Maria Emilia TIJOUX, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Chile, Chile,

Mauro PINHEIRO KOURY, Departamento de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil,

Fecha límite para el envio de resumen: 
30 de septiembre de 2017

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